torsdag 30 april 2009
Svininfluensa - ett biovapen för att reducera befolkningen?
Sändning från den 27 April 2009
Flu Special:
On Monday night, George Noory returned to Los Angeles and hosted a special edition of C2C with examination and analysis of the recent swine flu outbreak. 2nd hour guest, Dr. Gary Ridenour suggested that this virus could further mutate and become even more dangerous. We could see mass school closings and work outages in the U.S., he said, and in a worst-case scenario, 5-15 million people could die. He estimated there was a 40% chance that the new virus was man-made, and was released either accidentally or intentionally.
Appearing in the latter half of the show, Alex Jones and Stephen Quayle both agreed the new swine virus was not natural. It's a "genetically altered bioweapon," possibly being "beta-tested in the field" to target specific races, Quayle contended. Jones cited experts in the field, pointing toward the virus being designed, and he noted how unusual it is for a flu virus to start out of season, and not come from the East.
Quayle suggested the virus may be part of a global plan to reduce the population, and that the mysterious deaths of microbiologists in recent years could be connected to this outbreak-- scientists who could help stop a pandemic were taken out. Jones posited the idea that flu fears could be deliberate hype by the government in order to distract the public from other issues.
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måndag 13 april 2009
Surviving 201 Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat
lördag 11 april 2009
Humans and Aliens Might Share DNA Roots

The building blocks of life may be more than merely common in the cosmos. Humans and aliens could share a common genetic foundation.
That's the tantalizing implication of a pattern found in the formation of amino acids in meteorites, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and simulations of primordial Earth. The pattern appears to follow basic thermodynamic laws, applicable throughout the known universe.
"This may implicate a universal structure of the first genetic codes anywhere," said astrophysicist Ralph Pudritz of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
There are exactly 20 standard amino acids — complex molecules that combine to form proteins, which carry out instructions specified by RNA and DNA, its double-stranded and self-replicating descendant.
Läs mer: wired science
Danish Chemists Discover Thermitic Red/Gray Chips in 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction Dust.

“We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples
we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center.
...The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material incorporating nanotechnology and highly energetic. ...The carbon content of the red material indicates that an organic substance is present. This would be expected for super-thermite formulations in order to produce high gas pressures from ignition and thus make them explosive.”
- Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
Wikipedia om Thermite
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söndag 5 april 2009
Mystisk svamp dödar tusentals fladdermöss i flera delstater i USA

Svampen är idenifierad som Geomyces.
Svampen trivs i arktiska områden och uppenbarligen i de norsöststra vinergrottorna. Aldrig förr har det raporterats att denna svamp dödat fladdermöss. Dödligheten är nära 100% och aldrig förr har det rapporterats att fladdermöss dött med en vit svampring runt nosen.
En fladdermus äter 100% av sin kroppsvikt varje natt.
I takt med att fladdermössen dör kommer insekterna öka explosionsartat. Detta kommer till slut att rubba ekosystemet.
Det är inte bara fladdermössen som dör i stort antal i USA.
Stora mängder honungsbin har försvunnit också i europa.
Källa: earthfiles och msnbc
fredag 3 april 2009
Förbereder sig de norska myndigheterna inför 2012?

I mange miljøer er 2012 et viktig årstall. Spirituelle mennesker forbinder oftest 2012 med oppstigning, det vil si at hele jorden - og med den menneskeheten - skal stige opp til 5. dimensjon. I UFO-miljøer finnes det tilhengere av teorier om at utenomjordiske kommer og evakuerer menneskene, - kanskje fordi jorden ikke lenger vil være beboelig? Disse to oppfatningsversjonene finnes det også blandinger av.
Samfunnet vi lever i er fortsatt overveiende preget av et mekanistisk verdensbilde, og vi er vant til at begge ideer blir avvist som overspent vrøvl. Det er utenkelig at politikere eller andre samfunnsstøtter vil gi seg inn på å diskutere slike muligheter.
Läs mer: nya
Eller en översättning från norska till svenska HÄR